Tag: Education

Closing the STEM Gap: Why STEM classes and careers still lack girls and what we can do about it

We all want to see more women enter STEM fields in the workforce, so how do we get them there? The answer starts long before they enter college. If we want to get more girls interested in STEM subjects, one important strategy is encouraging them to get involved in STEM-related clubs or activities. Not only do these help girls visualize how their knowledge can be applied to the real world, but it also helps them feel more empowered and confident when tackling STEM subjects later in their academic careers. Learn more about this and other strategies to get girls involved in STEM in this study.

Closing the STEM Gap: 5 insights that can make a difference for girls and young women

90% of girls describe themselves as creative and 72% want a job that helps the world; solving the problems of the future will require creative individuals with STEM skillsets. Seems like a win for everyone, so how can we get more girls involved in STEM? There is more than one answer, but we can start with providing role models and real-world connections to young girls, allowing them to understand where STEM skills can take them and picture themselves in those roles. At Global Solutions IT, Inc, we recognize the importance and the benefits of getting more girls involved in STEM. Contact us to learn more.
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