Tag: Cloud

The ultimate e-book about 8 business drivers that motivate cloud migrations

8 business drivers that motivate cloud migrations Why do businesses migrate to the cloud? The automatic answer used to be cost reduction—but the conversation is changing. Today’s cloud migrations are motivated by a variety of business drivers, including: Modernization Adoption of new technologies and business models Moving faster and enhancing customer experiences Download the eBook
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13 Tech Experts Predict The Industry’s Biggest Challenges In 2019

What are the biggest tech challenges to your company and how can your company stay agile in the face of change? Read this Forbes article for insight on the trends you need to prepare to address. A provider of advanced security, cloud, and machine learning solutions from Microsoft, Global Solutions IT, Inc can help your company develop a strategy to adapt to changes in the modern workplace.

Is Cloud Hosting the Best IT Solution for Your Business?

It doesn't matter what industry you're in, there are some key benefits to the cloud. It can help you run a tighter ship, increase your flexibility, and organize operations so you can achieve more. It's not easy for every business to undertake a massive change to their IT infrastructure. That's why at Global Solutions IT, Inc, we support the hybrid approach to transitioning to the cloud. With knowledgeable staff and years of experience helping businesses, our team is ready to support your next migration. Contact us today to learn more on how we can help your business achieve more with a modern IT infrastructure.

Customer story: Qantas Airways

The team at Qantas recently updated their IT infrastructure. With the ability to collaborate, their leaders can decentralize decision making, greatly increasing productivity and bringing them the security they need. Being able to use Microsoft 365 helps their team care for customers in a way that's never been done before. Your team can have access to these same tools. But if you're worried about how to make that transition quickly, talk with us. At Global Solutions IT, Inc, we have years of experience helping customers just like you to adopt modern desktop services. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

Customer story: KEXP

KEXP is known internationally for their music and authenticity. To help bring their global audience the music they want, KEXP needed to find a solution that could bring all of their services online. While they eventually accomplished their goal, they did run into roadblocks along the way. Your partners at Global Solutions IT, Inc and
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Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches

It's time to spice up your lunch hour. Use 30 days of lunch hours to learn how you can evolve your systems to the cloud with @Azure. Download "Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches," from @MSFTNonprofits, to see how your #nonprofit can digitally scale its impact and do more good using cloud computing services. #Tech4Good #SocialImpact #DigitalTransformation

Nonprofit iRespond creates biometric ID technology with Azure

"The number of people we have helped has rapidly gone from the tens of thousands to the hundreds of thousands," said Larry Dohrs, Vice President, Asia-Pacific, @iRespond. iRespond, a small #nonprofit organization, helps displaced, vulnerable, and marginalized people get the care and aid they need while protecting their personal data. Read this customer story, "Nonprofit iRespond creates biometric ID technology with Azure," from @MSFTNonprofits, to learn how this organization has been able to dramatically increase impact using Microsoft Azure. #Tech4Good #SocialImpact #DigitalTransformation

Secure score calculator

When securing your workload, it can be overwhelming to know which steps to take first. Azure's Security Center detects the most serious security vulnerabilities and applies advanced algorithms to prioritize critical recommendations. Follow the 5 steps in "Improve your Secure Score in Azure Security Center," from @MSFTNonprofits, to assess the workload security posture of your #nonprofit. #Tech4Good #SocialImpact #DigitalTransformation
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