Tag: Cloud Computing

Migrating an open source PaaS solution to Azure

Modern Muse, a UK-based charity designed to inspire and engage the next generation of female business leaders, needed to create a modern platform that could scale and grow with the organization. Modern Muse migrated to Azure from an AWS platform. It wasn't easy, but they were able to realize real benefits like standardized monitoring and management of their infrastructure. At Global Solutions IT, Inc, we pride ourselves in knowing the latest tools and techniques when modernizing IT infrastructure. If you're looking for a solution that can help you scale and grow your company, we'd love to help. Contact us to learn more.

The Data Center Isn’t Dying, But It Is Changing

The datacenter isn't dead yet. But driven by the increasing complexity of IoT, edge services, and SaaS, datacenters will need to evolve over time. Some experts believe that software-defined datacenters will be the new future. How are you looking to evolve your datacenter? At Global Solutions IT, Inc, we have industry professionals with years of experience helping organizations plan, adopt, and implement the solutions they need to keep their IT infrastructure up to date with the changing digital landscape. Contact us to learn how we can help your business plan for the future.

Tools and technology for developing future-ready skills

Labor economists predict that 65% of today's primary school students will be in jobs that haven't been invented yet. How can we prepare our students for a world no one can see coming? At Global Solutions IT, Inc, we are confident it is possible to effectively prepare students for the future, even a fuzzy one. Microsoft focuses on using technology in ways that develop soft skills, such as creativity and communication; planting the seed early on for students to work in harmony with technology to solve business problems. Contact us to learn more about the tools Microsoft is implementing to achieve these objectives.

Increasing employee productivity with Microsoft Search in Bing and PowerApps

You want your employees to be their most creative, innovative, and productive always. So does Microsoft. To improve their employee experience, Microsoft implemented Microsoft Search in Bing to enhance the discoverability of information, people, and apps. It helps their employees to find internal resources and complete common tasks in one place. Now you can take those same tools and create a modern IT infrastructure for your employees, and we can help. At Global Solutions IT, Inc, we have years of experience helping businesses just like yours update and modernize their IT. Contact us today to learn more.

How do I find and manage shadow IT and rogue devices, and put policies in place to ensure we remain secure?

Picture this: your sales team leader excitedly tells you about their new plan to use cloud apps and the latest devices to become more mobile and better reach clients. As the security advisor, your first thought is that more endpoints mean more risk for data security. With the tools from Microsoft 365, you don't have to stress anymore. You can analyze the risk of each app used, monitor for login attempts from suspicious devices, and protect sensitive data wherever it travels--all through Microsoft 365. Don't let security concerns stand in the way of progress. Give your IT team the tools they need to help the rest of your business thrive.

Customer story: GEA Group

GEA Group, one of the world's largest food processing tech companies, has over 300 locations worldwide. With 3,000 servers, 120 SAP systems, and 1,000s of business applications, it was hard to maintain their IT infrastructure from a central perspective. But after migrating their complete SAP infrastructure and all ERP solutions to Azure, they've standardized their IT to support growth. You can too. At Global Solutions IT, Inc, we're industry experts ready to help you migrate some or all your IT infrastructure to the cloud. Contact us to find out more.

13 Tech Experts Predict The Industry’s Biggest Challenges In 2019

What are the biggest tech challenges to your company and how can your company stay agile in the face of change? Read this Forbes article for insight on the trends you need to prepare to address. A provider of advanced security, cloud, and machine learning solutions from Microsoft, Global Solutions IT, Inc can help your company develop a strategy to adapt to changes in the modern workplace.

Is Cloud Hosting the Best IT Solution for Your Business?

It doesn't matter what industry you're in, there are some key benefits to the cloud. It can help you run a tighter ship, increase your flexibility, and organize operations so you can achieve more. It's not easy for every business to undertake a massive change to their IT infrastructure. That's why at Global Solutions IT, Inc, we support the hybrid approach to transitioning to the cloud. With knowledgeable staff and years of experience helping businesses, our team is ready to support your next migration. Contact us today to learn more on how we can help your business achieve more with a modern IT infrastructure.

Discover threats quickly, remediate immediately, and mitigate the impact of malware and breaches

A truly comprehensive security system does more than just provide "locks" for the entrances to a network, it searches for and reacts to threats that may have already entered the system. The Advanced Threat Protection integrated throughout Microsoft 365 monitors and protects everything from data, to endpoints, to user identities. These tools are always working behind the scenes to keep your business secure, keeping you in the loop without overwhelming you with information. At Global Solutions IT, Inc, we believe in securing your business with a holistic strategy. Contact us to learn more.

Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches

It's time to spice up your lunch hour. Use 30 days of lunch hours to learn how you can evolve your systems to the cloud with @Azure. Download "Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches," from @MSFTNonprofits, to see how your #nonprofit can digitally scale its impact and do more good using cloud computing services. #Tech4Good #SocialImpact #DigitalTransformation
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