Month: December 2021

Transition to Cloud: A journey to Modern Work with Microsoft 365

A changed workplace with increased security risks and economic uncertainties requires business resiliency. Organizations must address global burnout, hybrid work, and the complicated nature of BYOD—bring your own device. With Microsoft 365, you get a flexible, solid platform enhanced by industry-leading apps, intelligent cloud services, and world-class security, all in one place. Its integrated features and resources will help to speed up and simplify your company's day-to-day operations while keeping all your data secure.

Employ flexible, open hybridcloud solutions—transform customer engagement

With Microsoft Azure you can enable remote work, take advantage of cloud innovation, and maximize existing on-premises investments by relying on an effective hybrid and multicloud approach. Discover how to transform customer engagement with a holistic, seamless, and secure approach that allows you to continuously innovate. Sign up to stay connected so we can help you modernize your .NET apps on Microsoft Azure and stay up to date on the latest cloud computing trends.

Transition to Cloud Deployment checklist

Smart businesses know that cloud transformation equals stability and agility. You can make the transition easily with Microsoft 365—products that are uniquely positioned to help build resilience, enabling higher end-user productivity, and help save money. Review the infographic and get started today with this 5-step deployment checklist. Learn how you can rapidly deploy Teams, secure access, provide employees with support, and more.

Security and privacy with an integrated portfolio of cloud services

Security and compliance budgets have gone up to better defend infrastructures in remote or hybrid work scenarios. Secure your business with technology you can trust, ensure only the right users have access without affecting productivity, and protect your data through security best practices and easy-to-use policies that prevent accidental data leaks. Microsoft 365 enables a safe transformation to the cloud. Sign up to say connected—we'll help you learn more about making the transition to the cloud and into a more secure environment.

What’s driving application modernization?

Digital transformation—the adoption of leading-edge technologies to improve business value and increase customer success—is seen by most organizations as more critical than ever and accelerated by the effects of the pandemic. Application modernization is driven by a need for transformation, privacy, remote work, government regulation, risk assessment, worker productivity, data growth, and the need to stay competitive.
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