Month: February 2021

Microsoft’s Windows Virtual Desktop spring refresh: What’s new and next

Due to the massive workforce shift from working in-office to working remotely, the demand for Windows Virtual Desktop has increased. Microsoft continues to work around the clock to ensure its customers have best-in-class experiences with the Azure Migration Program, an enhanced Teams experience, and more. Check out the newest updates and what you can expect in the future, and contact Global Solutions IT, Inc to learn more.

Fashion retailer BESTSELLER trims fraud and loss with Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection

Fashion retailer BESTSELLER had a problem when it came to losing revenue to false returns and theft, but they couldn't identify the issue consistently across geographies. They deployed Microsoft Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection to help. After a successful pilot program, BESTSELLER extended the program worldwide, saving millions of dollars in revenue as a result. Find out how in this video.

Combatting financial crime infographic

Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is powered by the same technology that helps Microsoft protect more than 1 billion of its own e-commerce transactions each year, leading to hundreds of millions of dollars in savings related to fraud and increased acceptance rates for good transactions. Microsoft uses AI and analytics as a unique and powerful means of transforming fraud operations while securing against vulnerabilities. Now is the time to learn how you can protect your business against fraud.

Manage financial risk and reduce fraud pitch deck

Microsoft is devoted to providing customers with reliable data forecasting and protecting against fraud vulnerabilities. This pitch deck includes key benefits, values, and statistics so you can navigate educating your customers. Focus sections include optimizing financial operations, revenue protection, adapting to risks, and reducing costs. View: Manage financial risk and reduce fraud pitch deck
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