Fifth-grader Ryan Fernandez's engagement in the classroom changed when his teacher brought #Office365 and Microsoft Teams into his classroom. These tools enabled Ryan to leverage and focus his energy, spend more time helping other students, and actively direct his own learning.
Ryan is a shining example of the ways in which technology can reach every student and be customized to meet their individual needs. Here at Global Solutions IT, Inc, we are interested in using technology to give educators the resources to help each and every student succeed.
Did you know employee productivity increases on average by 22% when workers work in a flexible modern workplace? That kind of flexibility even reduces employee turnover by 50%.
When you're ready to make the transition, Global Solutions IT, Inc can help you formulate and execute a plan to modernize your workplace and devices. Contact us.
While the people at Microsoft always have their eyes on innovation and imagination, as COVID-19 affects people across the globe, they are currently thinking about those concepts in a different light. Microsoft is committed to helping by offering the digital tools and functions it can best deliver. Microsoft's mission is to empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more—and now more than ever that empowerment is seen through the lens of assisting people, communities, schools, businesses, and organizations. View this video and consider what alternative perspectives have surfaced in the short time our lives have been disrupted due to COVID-19.
With a cleverly worded email and one unfortunate click, a hacker can gain access to your system within minutes, and stay there for an average of 286 days before being detected.
How can you avoid this scenario? Check out this infographic to learn about the three most common ways hackers can gain access to your system and the holistic approach Microsoft 365 takes to keep them out.
At Global Solutions IT, Inc, our goal is to keep your business running without interruptions while remaining secure. Contact us to learn more.
In 2008, the world saw the fall of financial institutions. In a matter of days, what seemed to be the bedrock of Wall Street crumbled. Due to lack of transparency, investors didn't really know what was in the securities they were buying. That's why dv01 was created, to provide transparency to investors. But as they began to scale, they ran into issues. By switching to SQL Server, they were able to reduce latency and scale faster. Your business can achieve more by using these same tools. At Global Solutions IT, Inc, we want to help you integrate them. Contact us today to learn more.
With today's technological capabilities, there is no reason you shouldn't know what's going on in your business at all times. That's what SitePro thought, which is why they developed an app that creates a digital oil field for their customers.
The real-time machine monitoring SitePro provides, allows its customers to create a safer, more efficient workplace, sending technicians out when needed to perform preventive maintenance.
When SitePro combined this app with the scalable and near-instantaneous data processing capabilities of the Azure cloud, they were able to accomplish this task better than ever before.
Want to visualize your entire workplace? Contact us to learn more.
As COVID19 continues to be a global health crisis, don't forget to take care of your mental health. In a time of uncertainty and isolation, there are steps you can take to maintain your mental health while working remotely. Fast Company has a few ideas to get you started. Tips range from acknowledging the impact to recognizing your needs to streamlining work and more.
Watch Microsoft Education provide a technology solution designed to work for every student, teacher, and IT administrator–all on a platform you never outgrow.
This infographic highlights the findings of a recent in-depth study focused on identifying how the work environment is likely to change in the coming years and how schools can evolve to meet employers’ new demands. View: Preparing the class of 2030
Watch Microsoft Education provide a technology solution designed to work for every student, teacher, and IT administrator–all on a platform you never outgrow.