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Security Is Not Privacy

Do you know the difference between security and privacy? Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they're quite different—and both are crucial to the prosperity of your company. Check out this infographic to learn more about how to make sure your company data stays private and is always secured. And contact our team at Global Solutions IT, Inc to help you get started.

A new generation of communication tools for a new generation of Alcoa workers

At the Alcoa plant in Fjardaal, Iceland, a magnetic board was used to assign shifts, while company-wide announcements were made via standard email--both of which required people to be physically present. The adoption of #Microsoft #Teams transformed these otherwise manual tasks into a workflow better suited to a new generation of digitally savvy Alcoa employees who all carry smartphones. Watch the video to see the transformation, then contact Global Solutions IT, Inc to see how we can help transform your organization.

Customer story: Presentation Studio

@pstudio is making waves across Asia-Pacific by helping companies create beautiful, memorable presentations. With help from Microsoft 365 Business, @pstudio leverages enterprise-grade security and productivity tools. After adopting a #cloudbased #Microsoft365 platform, @pstudio cut its IT bill in half and enhanced security for customer and company data. Curious about how our #Microsoft solutions can help your company save money and keep your data secure? Contact our team at Global Solutions IT, Inc to get started!

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UNICEF inspires donors with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights

#UNICEF serves to protect the rights of children globally. Working across 190 countries and territories, UNICEF helps disadvantaged children get education, nutrition, and needed health care. In order to do this, UNICEF must engage donors for support. In 2019, UNICEF came together with @Microsoft Dynamics 365 #CustomerInsights to improve engagement and ensure that those donors turned into lifetime supporters.

The state of security for small and mid-size businesses

Investing in a cybersecurity program is no longer optional, no matter the size of your business. #Microsoft recommends that all businesses be prepared to contend with a security threat, regardless of the size or scope of the company. Check out this infographic to learn more about how you can provide comprehensive security solutions for your company. Contact our team at Global Solutions IT, Inc to learn more.

Taking internal communication to the next level with Microsoft Teams

Communication among team members and between different teams, especially when they're in different locations, can be a huge challenge--but it doesn't have to be an obstacle to collaboration and teamwork. Watch this video to discover why Red Lion Hotels (RLH) trusted Microsoft Teams to integrate all its corporate needs into one internal communications tool. Then contact Global Solutions IT, Inc to find out how we can do the same for your organization.
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