Managing financial risk and protecting against fraud keeps your organization and your revenue secure. Find out how #Microsoft can save you time, money, and your reputation. Learn more by subscribing.
Alcoa uses #Teams and #Microsoft 365 for solutions that enable its employees in Iceland to manage schedules efficiently, streamline processes, and improve communication. Check out this video and ask how Microsoft solutions can put your organization's #FirstlineWorkers at the center of digital transformation.
Dun & Bradstreet help companies better understand their business relationships by transforming data in new ways. In this video, learn how Dun & Bradstreet partner with #Microsoft to leverage digital capabilities and glean even more from interactions.
Make sure you and your team are taking full advantage of #Microsoft Teams to stay connected and drive productivity. The new Teams update offers new opportunities, including a feature that ensures meeting controls will never block the underlying content. Learn more here:
With #Microsoft #Office365 and Windows 10, #GeneralElectric is digitally enabling its 300,000-person workforce to make sense of machine data, realize productivity gains, and collaborate securely, at a velocity never before experienced. Learn more with this video:
Team building is fundamentally important for your business to thrive. #Microsoft Teams is there for you to help enhance the interpersonal dynamics of your team, by designing activities to bring teams closer together. Are you ready to dive in? Check out this article!
When you add telephony capabilities to your existing #Microsoft Teams, you equip your team with a powerful system that has everything available in one single interface. Learn how #TonysChocolonely, an Amsterdam impact and chocolate company, uses this system to coordinate easily with their workers in Europe, America, and Africa.
Gartner has identified 4 trends set to shape cloud adoption in 2020. What are they, and how will they impact your cloud adoption and migration journey? Read this article from Gartner and contact Global Solutions IT, Inc to learn more.