Subscribe now to stay informed on how #Microsoft #Teams, serving as the hub for teamwork in #Office365, can elevate and transform communication, collaboration, and teamwork across your entire organization. Sub this channel today, and start realizing the promise of a digital workspace.
Looking for a virtual environment to make work more accessible, flexible, and secure? How about saving money too? Learn the benefits of Windows Virtual Desktop here.
Do you know the difference between security and privacy? Although these terms are often used interchangeably, they're quite different—and both are crucial to the prosperity of your company.
Check out this infographic to learn more about how to make sure your company data stays private and is always secured. And contact our team at Global Solutions IT, Inc to help you get started.
@Marston's went on a process of gathering as much data as possible about their customers to improve customer service, but they needed a toolset that brought all that data into one place. With #MSDyn365CI, they were able to do that and more. Find out how in this video.
At the Alcoa plant in Fjardaal, Iceland, a magnetic board was used to assign shifts, while company-wide announcements were made via standard email--both of which required people to be physically present. The adoption of #Microsoft #Teams transformed these otherwise manual tasks into a workflow better suited to a new generation of digitally savvy Alcoa employees who all carry smartphones. Watch the video to see the transformation, then contact Global Solutions IT, Inc to see how we can help transform your organization.
@pstudio is making waves across Asia-Pacific by helping companies create beautiful, memorable presentations. With help from Microsoft 365 Business, @pstudio leverages enterprise-grade security and productivity tools.
After adopting a #cloudbased #Microsoft365 platform, @pstudio cut its IT bill in half and enhanced security for customer and company data. Curious about how our #Microsoft solutions can help your company save money and keep your data secure? Contact our team at Global Solutions IT, Inc to get started!
Get all the tools and resources you need to migrate your apps, data, and infrastructure at your own pace with confidence. In the video below, learn how Windows Virtual Desktop expands capabilities with the best virtualized end-user experience.
Keep up with the latest technological trends and learn how Windows Virtual Desktop continues to help employees maximize their productivity and security through this virtual experience. Subscribe today, build for tomorrow.